The Most Efficient Robot Vacuum Cleaner - TECHOBOOM
Are you tired of constantly having to vacuum your floor? Do you want to free your hands and enjoy clean life? If so, then TECHOBOOM Vacuum Robot Cleaner is the perfect choice for you! With a robot vacuum like TECHOBOOM, you don't ever have to worry about cleaning your floor again. You can rely on our robot vacuum to do the job for you while you can enjoy other activities.
With a 2700Pa strong suction and auto 3-in-1 sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping system, TECHOBOOM takes care of every room comprehensively and efficiently, collecting even tiny dust. The automatic dust collection function can automatically empty the dirt after cleaning, giving you one less thing to worry about.
TECHOBOOM is perfect for all types of floors since it offers three different cleaning modes: tiled floor, carpet, and solid floor. It also has a washable mop and offers both S and Y mopping modes to meet your needs. The power-driven miniature pressure tank can precisely control the spray and flow rate to avoid leakage and damage to the floor while also providing automatic pressurization on carpets/blankets. Two side sensors and 4 cliff sensors, along with LDS 2.0 provide maximum accuracy in obstacle measurement to prevent the robot vacuum from getting stuck and falling off the stairs.
One of the best features of TECHOBOOM is map editing which allows you to mark forbidden areas and create virtual walls. You can program the vacuum to meet your specific needs in terms of frequency of the cleaning, suction power, and the quantity of water used for each environment.
Battery Life:
Since TECHOBOOM is equipped with a special charging station and a self-emptying bin, it can provide 220 minutes of non-stop service at one go and can clean up to 320 square meters at a time. Viomi S9 comes with a LED screen and an App (Mi Home / Xiaomi Home app) that can remind you of the replacement, show the collector status and battery life.
With TECHOBOOM you will understand just how easy it is to keep your house clean with a minimum amount of effort!

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